Pillow packing machine manufacturer on the advantages of pillow packing machine

Pillow packaging machine manufacturer on the pillow packaging machine advantages of the introduction?Pillow packing machine has many advantages, so it is used by many industries, it belongs to the packaging machine, in the packaging industry has a great advantage, is as follows pillow packing machine eight advantages:

Pillow packing machine manufacturer on the advantages of pillow packing machine


1,High degree of automation, the whole machine by the single chip microcomputer and stepper motor control. Therefore, pillow packing machine equipment operation is safe and reliable, simple and convenient to set parameters.

2,Pillow packing machine drive system is simple and stable, not only can realize feeding, packaging, sealing and cutting step in place, but also effectively improve the packaging efficiency.

3,Pillow packing machine with positioning stop function, in the packaging for the final sealing and cutting of the process, not only more accurate, and continuous contraction sealing and cutting when the sealing knife will not stick to the packaging film.

4, pillow packaging machine scrap rate is low, in the drive system with an automatic detection device, will not let empty bags into the sealing and cutting process, will automatically shut down and pick out, can improve the quality and avoid the waste of packaging film.

5, pillow packaging machine packaging environment health and reliable, the whole packaging process without manual intervention, and the equipment and material contact materials are stainless steel material, even the transmission shaft is without oil.

6, the adjustment system is flexible, the range of packaging is very wide, a variety of specifications, forms and characteristics of the items can be pillow packaging machine packaging, such as: biscuits, potato chips, paper towels, soap, hardware products, cartons and so on.

7, pillow packaging machine is widely used, food, daily necessities, medicine, hardware, stationery, toys and other fields of packaging needs it can meet.

8, pillow packaging machine energy saving, high efficiency, and according to the needs of different markets for functional adjustment and technical improvement, because it is controlled by the software as a whole, not only to retain the advantages of The Times.

In addition, pillow packing machine is well made, simple and reliable transmission, efficient and fast work, automatic packaging sealing and cutting characteristics, not only ensure the health and safety of product packaging, but also bring good benefits to the manufacturers.